Although you rarely see any for sale, there are actually quite a few different pieces of Kenner’s Real Ghostbusters packaging artwork out there in various collections around the world. The vast majority of the surviving artwork was salvaged by one quick thinking Hasbro employee who literally pulled them from the bin before they were shredded!
As you’ll have read in the Kenner introduction page, the packaging art for the RGB toy line was outsourced to another Ohio design company called Lipson-Alport-Glass & Associates. Lipson handled all of the packaging art from the beginning of the line to the very end (’86-91).
Below are a few examples.
It doesn’t get more iconic than this. Here is Kenner’s original Ecto-1 packaging artwork in all it’s airbrushed glory. This piece truly is a work of art, absolutely stunning in every way and I’m very excited to share it on thanks to my friend and fellow RGB art collector, Andre B.
Check out a few close ups below:
Photo credit:
Andre Bathalon
Although Kenner’s attempt at recycling the Ecto-1 toy to tie in with the GB2 movie release was a rather lazy one, they did at least get Lipson to produce some great new box artwork! This really is a stunning piece of art created using airbrush and marker with various layers glued on top of the main piece of art. Follow the link below for a more detailed write up and extra pictures!
Photo credit:
(Dan Flarida)