Commercial Storyboards

While these storyboards for some of Kenner’s RGB toy commercials are more rough and ready than some of the other artwork featured on the site, they still offer a cool glimpse at how the live action advertising shorts were planned out before they were filmed.

“Spooky Stadium” featuring Tombstone Tackle, Terror Trash & X-Cop (Hero series: Fright Features)

  Spooky-stadium-Terror-Trash-page-1 Spooky-Stadium-Terror-Trash-Page-2






Spooky-Stadium-X-Cop-page-1 Spooky Stadium Terror Trash Page 4





“It’s a Howl” featuring The Wolfman & Fearsome Flush (Hero series: Screaming Heroes)

It's a howl page 1 It's a howl page 2






“Marshmallow Roast” (Role play weapons)

Marshmallow-Roast-with-water-zapper-page1 Marshmallow-Roast-with-water-zapper-page-2





The storyboard above is for the commercial which featured the Ecto Goggles, Ecto Popper, Nutrona Blaster and Water Zapper. Kenner used the same commercial to advertise the Ghost Trap too.


“Hair Raising” Peter Venkman Haunted Watch Mail Away 

Haunted Watch Promotion






As well as the TV commercial, Kenner also advertised the haunted watch mail away premium through participating stores. The watch itself was a free gift when you sent off three proofs of purchase from any toy, vehicle or playset.