NOW Pages

Coloured “blue-line” for page 25 of NOW #3

Combined now 3





Although this page looks like a regular production page it’s actually two separate layers. One is fully coloured while the other just shows the line art: 

Black & White Painted





The first page is a “blue-line” while the second is a hand coloured page. When combined, the outline of the art and the colour are brought together and appear as they would in the production comic.

Here is brief explanation on this process from Patrick Williams who worked on the NOW RGB comic: “On a blue-line, the line art overlay is made from the printing negative. A light blue image of the line art is printed on an illustration board and then we would hand paint and airbrush the colour, strip the top layer off the heavy board, and scan the colour for the other three printing plates (CMY).” 


Original Art

Page 20 from issue #3 from the NOW Ghostbusters II movie adaption (starring the Real Ghostbusters).

ghostbusters II, issue 3 pg.20 GB2 adaptation production page






Artists: John Tobias (Penciller) , Rich Rankin (Inker)

Photo credit: Marc Sans