

Even though the animated show was an American production it was in fact Marvel UK that were first to publish a Real Ghostbusters comic book series. The fantastic fortnightly series started in March 1988 and ran until September 1992, spanning 193 different issues.

There were also 4 Christmas Annuals produced between 1989 and 1992.

The team at Marvel UK who were creating original content (both stories and artwork) consisted of some mind blowing talent.

The majority of the artists involved are now established names in the world of comic book art and many of the ones I’ve spoken to feel that their involvement with Marvel in the late 80’s and early 90’s on such titles as The Real Ghostbusters, Transformers and Thundercats really helped launch their careers.


In America, the comics were published by NOW comics and were released monthly. It was a much shorter lived series which ran from August 1988 until February 1991.

After 28 issues of their own original stories, NOW also reprinted a handful of the Marvel UK covers & stories.

While there are differences between the two publications in terms of the look of the characters, both feature some incredible RGB artwork.

Please use the drop down menu above to view original cover & page art from both Marvel UK and NOW comics artists!